2023 Golf Memberships & Shed Rentals:
Age 10 to 12 - $127.90 + $6.40GST = $134.30
Age 13 to 17 - $225.75 + $11.29GST = $237.05
Adults - $461.90 + $23.10GST = $485.00
Husband & Wife - $823.62 + $41.18GST = $864.80
Family with Children Under 18 - $1008.86 + $50.44GST = $1059.30
Regular Shed Rental - $165.38 + $8.27GST =$173.65
Electric Shed Rental - $248.07 + $12.40GST = $260.46
Fee payment options:
Option 1:
Payable by E-transfer using the email: lakesidegolfclubinc@gmail.com
Option 2:
Send a cheque payable to Lakeside Golf Club, to:
Lakeside Golf Club
Box 456
Shoal Lake, MB
Option 3:
Pay in the clubhouse, if it is open.
Option 4:
Payment Plan with post-dated cheques. To explore this option, please call Scott Maynes at 365-6458.
Membership fees or daily green fees must be paid prior to golfing.
Lakeside Golf Club & Campground in Shoal Lake, MB